Monday, September 3, 2012

And it's good!!!


SO tonight I made the "cupcakes"... we're going to use that term loosely because they were NOT cupcakes... they were muffins. I'm ok with that, I was doing a happy praise Jesus dance in the kitchen when they turned out ok! Who knew that one day I would not only be able to bake dairy free but now GLUTEN free too! Say what, high five your mom!

So here are some pictures from my cooking experience:

P.S. I did NOT, I repeat DID NOT, like the earth balance butter for the caramel so I used coconut oil... and it tasted soooo much better. I'm talking like from "I wanted to loose my lunch" to "I wanted a giant glass of milk (yes cows milk) and my dairy/gluten free "cupcakes" and sit and watch Letters To Juliet all night long" :)

So I survived my first day of cooking dairy and gluten free. I think from now on for ya'lls sake I'll try the recipe and then post it. Sorry about that guys. Also don't judge the fact that it looks like a dog did his business on top of them... I was so happy I truly didn't care what the frosting looked like, maybe next time.

And as far as the raviolis go, I'm going to go ahead and do that tomorrow because I want to go to a BBQ tonight :)

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