Thursday, October 18, 2012

This is a GREAT week!

Let me just start off today by saying I do not hate you, and I am not avoiding you :) This week is a very happy but very busy week for the Bell house! The hubs graduates with his associates from The Culinary Institute of America on Friday and so we have had the wonderful luxury of family coming in town! We love our family!

With that said I noticed I did not plan the first give away properly. So since it didn't start on Monday, I will start it today and we will go through the weekend! Since the holidays are coming up and we all have parties to go to or little gifts to give out so I'm going to start the Holiday giveaways. This weeks giveaway is Snowman Hot Chocolate :) I'll be making homemade hot chocolate and sending out the gift to the winner.

Remember, you MUST be a follower of this blog to play. If you haven't clicked on the blue "join this site" button on the side -----> than you can't play, so sorry! Makes it better for the 8 girls who are! To enter follow the steps below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Also, stay tuned! I will be taking some pictures of our awesome weekend! Finally, a little look inside our crazy life! Also on the menu for the week: Vegan Pumpkin Muffins with butter creme frosting, homemade hot cocoa and one more surprise :)


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