Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Little Piece of Childhood

Ah I love being a kid. Nap time, snacks, playing outside with your friends (or at least that's how it used to be). It breaks my heart that kids don't really play outside anymore but instead stay in the house and play online with "friends" or just play on the TV or internet. Unfortunately, though, that is a discussion all in its self. Oh well, I was one of the lucky kids! 

Tonight the hubs and I finally got to spend some quality time together. Thank you God. So here's how it went. I came home from work and we immediately turned on Bones. We LOVE and I mean love that show. Addiction at it's finest folks. After watching Bones we watched Revolution. OK so I wasn't so sure about this one, the Hubs loves it. It's a new show about all the power going out and then the government falls and then there's an uprising of sorts and after that I'm lost :) but it's actually pretty good. So far there's only 3 episodes so I plan on getting caught up tomorrow. If you have nothing better to do on a Monday night, which you don't, than you should tune in... or be cool and get HuluPLUS for about $8 a month and watch it at your earliest convenience :)

Wow, anyways, back to us spending quality time together. I have convinced my love to work out with my, or at least 2x a week when he's off work. So after watching our shows we got up and did the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I get so board on level 1 so I did it for about 2 days and went strait to level 2 <---- click here for full levels on youtube. Tonight was my first night of level 2 and holy batcave batman... that s***s crazy hard! I was sweating up a storm. Funny story, I kept encouraging the hubs by saying things like "Com'mon babe, 30 more second" or "You got this, we're almost done"... unfortunately those we directed more at myself :) I'm a little bit of a wimp. OK but seriously, a plank jumping jack... are you for real... no, no way! But we finished and we were so sweaty and then we decided to die. So now we're dead.

Juuuust kidding. Actually we decided to play a game... and then decided that the games were too far away so we settled for coloring. BEST CHOICE EVER!!!! We had so much fun, and so much fun talking :) it's amazing how much adult conversation you can have while being a kid! So fun. If you want to survive the first 2 months of marriage, ask for a coloring book for your wedding! Best way to get serious conversations out of the way. I mean, who can be mad while coloring. It's like the best feeling in the world! Where was the chapter on coloring in our pre marital book? Nowhere... lame-o's. 

Here are some fun pictures from our night... we look like a hot mess and yeah, it's awesome!

 This is the hubs after the workout... super thrilled

 Family meet Blaze... he is truly our child! The only difference is I can't put him in a lei wrap and his doctor bills are ridiculous!
 Look at the size of that head!

And for the awesome "time to embrace your childhood" photos!

Our picture turned out so pretty!!! I can't believe it lol

So may I suggest finding something fun and childish to do :) seriously, it takes away so much stress and you feel so calm afterwards! Big shout out to Aunt Char for being awesome and getting us these crafts for our wedding! You're Ah-Mazing!

Aloha Wau Ia Oe Family!!!

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