Thursday, September 27, 2012

Who doesn't need a mid week pick me up???

I know, all of y'all are thinking, "Cayla, Wednesday is a mid week day not Thursday..." well slackers, I work the weekends so today is my mid week day and boy do I ever need a pick me up! I am feeling it folks, between being sick and being an adult I'm exhausted! When is nap time again?!? 

In honor of all of us who hit our snooze button 10 times and then realize we actually shut it off because we just need 5 more minutes to sleep, I am going to post about these amaze-ball energy balls I am taking from a blogger I follow! She has some good ideas for how to get going in the morning, ESPECIALLY for those wonderful morning work outs we all love so much. Some idea's are:

1. Go to bed half dressed for your workout (i.e. workout shorts and a sports bra)
2. Set your alarm somewhere where you have to get out of bed to turn it off followed by...
3. Set a big glass of water by your alarm and drink the majority of it. Water hydrates the body and get's it moving faster than any source of caffine out there. If you have a big glass of water in the morning your body will crave water throughout the day and you will stay hydrated and alert! Yeay!
4. Splash your face with water. It doesn't have to be cold. I wash my face in the morning with hot hot water and I feel 200% more awake afterwards! It's miraculous :)

Here is a little recipe for Energy Balls (that's what I'm naming them) also to help get you going. If you're anything like me you do not enjoy shoving food in your mouth in the morning when your brain is barely functioning, so a quick easy solution is to make these bad boys and just pop them in your mouth as you're getting ready. I am seriously addicted to these things as of... oh 5 minutes ago. 

Energy Balls of Amazing-ness:

1 cup                         Rolled Oats
1/3 cup                     Shredded Coconut 
1/2 cup                     Nut Butter (I used half peanut and half almond)
1/2 cup                     Ground Flax Seed
1/2 cup                     Chocolate Chips (White chocolate, dried cranberries, apricots chopped, etc.)
1/4 cup                     Raw Honey or Agave (I used both, just split them in half)
1 tsp                         Vanilla

You can seriously play with this recipe. Don't mess around too much with the ratio of nut butter and honey to dry ingredients simply because it's your binder. But you can pretty much make these as healthy (or unhealthy) as you wish! 

Here's what you do, add all the ingredients together and mix well. Make sure everything is coated evenly and then put in the refrigerator. I let them go for an hour, you can do longer (they hold better that way). Once they are chilled take them out and roll them into 1 inch balls. I like them small enough to where I can just pop them in my mouth but big enough to where it doesn't feel like I'm eating a skittle :)

Well there ya have it. Take these with you in the car when you know you're going to have a long day. I guarantee you they will give you more energy than that big mac you're about to buy!

Happy Thank God It's Almost The Weekend Thursday!!!!

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