Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Vegan Zucchini Bread

Hola! I made it! 

Here it is folks... my first VEGAN bread! What?! Dairy free... gluten free... VEGAN? Yeah, I know, I'm a rock star! Juuust kidding. But seriously, this is amazing! I am so thankful that God gave me a competitive spirit because I would not be able to do this if it wasn't for the "haters" <--- yeah I'm bringing that word back telling me I couldn't bake to the peoples needs without proper training. Umm last time I checked, YouTube is indeed proper training. Can I get an Amen!

Alrighty, without any further ado I give you the beautiful, the wonderful, Vegan Zucchini Bread!

Vegan Zucchini Bread

                                                   6 Tablespoon            Ground Flax seed
                                                   1/2 cup                      Warm H2O
                                                   1 cup                         Brown Sugar
                                                   3/4 cups                    Agave
                                                   1/2 cup                      Oil
                                                   1/2 cup                      Apple Sauce
                                                   1 teaspoon                 Vanilla
                                                   3 cups                        Sorghum Flour
                                                   1 Tablespoon            Baking Powder
                                                   1/2 teaspoon             Baking soda
                                                   2 teaspoons               Nutmeg
                                                   1 Tablespoon            Cinnamon
                                                   1 teaspoon                 Salt
                                                   1 cup                         Walnuts (optional)
                                                   1 cup                         Blueberries (optional)
                                                   1 each                       Zucchini Grated (not optional)

Go ahead and do everything backwards. DO NOT add all the dry ingredients together first and mix well. No, in fact, add the flax seed and the warm water together first and let it steep.  

While that is steeping go ahead and add all the wet ingredients together and beat them until they are mixed well. Continue on with adding the dry ingredients together and making sure they are all equally disbursed. Combine all the ingredients into your KitchenAid, or you can pretend that your hand is the motor and use a whisk and a metal bowl, and mix all the ingredients together EXCEPT your add-ins. Once your dry ingredients are moist FOLD in your add-ins such as blueberries, walnuts, cranberries, dried oranges, etc. 

Your oven should be pre-heated to 350 right now, if not hurry, run over there and turn it up.
Now wait for it to get there... wait for it... wait for it.... DING! Ok bomb, now turn it down to 325. Lame I know. Fill up you tins, I did muffins because I was going to do the mini pans but funny story, I tried this recipe the other day and completely bombed it, and I mean bombed, ruined the nation of my body with them! Gross. So I did cupcakes again! Yeay! 

Bake them at 325 for 30 minutes if your doing cupcake holders and 50-55 minutes if you're doing loaf pans.

Enjoy! Feel free to post pictures in the comments section of your works! Have fun and enjoy this time of experimenting, make sure you're challenging yourself. mix up the ingredients a little and make your own Zucchini muffin recipe! It's an amazing feeling, trust me :)

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