I have been laid up in bed sick for the last 3 days... hence no new posts. So I am posting today about home remedies for making your body feel better when sick :)
We all love the sickness, you know, when your body aches and it feels like your half getting your period, half having a child and half in the cage at a UFC fight...<--watch that yeah that kind of sickness. Oh and don't forget the constant scratching of sand paper on your throat :) Yeay!
Here is how I make a quick comeback while feeling blue. Lay down! Seriously, do you know how much energy you're exerting by standing up? If you are simply just standing for 8 hours in a day you burn one calorie per minute. And that's just from standing, that's not from chewing, walking, bending down, the occasional laugh, you get what I'm saying. I can pretty much guarantee you that when you are feeling sick you are not giving your body the proper intake of calories to outtake of calories. So when you're eating nothing but soup or broth and only drinking tea you are literally starving your body. Bring on the dehydration!! But if you are laying down you are only burning nearly HALF the amount of calories as standing.
Now that your laying down turn off the computer and turn on a movie or simply shut off the electronics and stare out your window. I know that sounds so boring and gosh you have so many things that need to get done, but I'm telling you they will get done in 1/4 the amount of time when you're working at 100% than when your body is working at 15%. So take a you day or two and suck it up Sally. You need to rest your brain as much as your body. If you aren't allowing your brain to rest it will send out signals to the rest of the body to move and you will get restless and start moving. This is bad and pretty much a for sure sign that you will be sick for at least a week.
Now here comes the healing part. Go put some water on the stove and boil it. Get yourself 2 ceramic mugs and 1 plastic cup. In one of the ceramic mugs put about 1 Tablespoon of salt and about 8 oz of water. Let the salt dissolve. In the other mug get some honey, some cayenne pepper, some water and some lemon.
Miracle Tea:
Squeeze half a lemon
a dash of cayenne
Tablespoon of honey
Dissolve it with 8 oz of water
It's a tea mixture that'll sooth your throat, open up your air ways and help you get all that mucus out of your system. Start by gargalling the salt water, do this for about 2 minutes, spitting it out and getting a fresh sip every 30 seconds. Lay back down to you sappy chick flick and start drinking your tea... now ladies... this isn't Sunday night football and you're not at the bar throwing back a beer with the fellas. Take it slow, you don't want your tea to get cold because that's nasty, but you don't need to shoot it either. Here is where your plastic cup comes in handy. You will start coughing up mucus now. Instead of swallowing it (I know it sounds gross but we've all done it) spit it into the cup so you aren't getting up every 30 seconds. Please remember to hydrate all day long with water. It is a necessity for the body to heal and it thins out mucus making it easier to come up.
For dinner I love me some good ol' chicken broth. No, not chicken noodle soup, because if Im going to up chuck I want it to be smooth, not visual! No one wants to see Campbell's dinner in a toilet bowl. So get you some yummy chicken broth, preferably the kind made with chicken and vegetables and nothing else. If your chicken broth has more than 5 ingredients in it (Chicken, onion, celery, carrot and water) then you might want to stop using it. Seriously, chicken broth does not need preservatives in it and neither does your body. Warm some up on the stove, get in you snuggy or your footy pajamas <---my personal favorite and turn on another chick flick.
Now, I know a lot of you have children. Lucky. I don't know what to tell you? I'm sorry you're feeling crappy, most likely one of them gave it to you, sucker. Buckle down and pray that your husband will watch them for an hour :)
Well Family, Happy Healing!
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