What if you dared to dream?
What if you dared to dream a dream that made no sense, seemed impossible and you were 99% sure you would never get to experience said dream?
Now, what if you dreamed it anyways?
What if you took that dream and then you wrote it on a piece of paper? You looked at that paper every single day. You saw it in the morning while you were brushing your teeth, you saw it in the middle of the day when you were exhausted from life, you saw it at night before you laid your head down on the pillow. And while you slept you dreamed that dream was true, a true reality and you were living it.
Now go and read your bible. Read in Genesis where God had a dream; "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness". And so he created Adam. He created Adam after he created light, and the earth, all the vegetation and the animals. He created Adam after he created the vast landscape that Adam would roam, after He separated the light from the darkness. After He created every single flower, every single stream and tree, every single ray of sunshine, He brought forth a man.
Does your dream still feel impossible; unachievable?
What if we dared to dream a dream where we were made for more than ordinary? What if we dreamed of being the best, the best at what we're dreaming.
Do you want to be a mom? Be the best! Are you dreaming of starting up a small business with hand made trinkets and jewelry? Be the best! Is your dream to be the first of your family to succeed in living debt free and having a hope for your children's future? Than do it the best that anyone has ever seen!
What if we dared to be the image of God?! What if we actually believed God when he said we were made in His image! That we are just as creative as Him, just as passionate as Him, just as capable of having a thought and bringing it to life!
So today I dare you to dream!
Tomorrow I dare you to write it down.
And then my friend, I dare you to walk in confidence, in accordance with His will, that you were made to do extraordinary things... not to just live an ordinary life.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
― H. Jackson Brown Jr.